Posts Tagged ‘richard zednick’

Great win for the Lightning last night against the Islanders. Nabokov was working a 2-0 shut out for the first 57 minutes and I was getting so pissed I started watching horrific hockey injuries on You Tube. I don’t know why my brain goes there but when I get really mad I have to see people get hurt, badly. So there I was watching Richard Zednick getting his head cut off for the billionth time and then out of nowhere Filppula scores 2 goals, the 2nd with 4 seconds left while I’m standing a foot away from the TV nervously rocking back ‘n forth like 4 year old watching cartoons. Now I’m freaking out! No way we lose in overtime! All the momentum in the world on the Lightning side right? Well, after the first 2 minutes when the Lightning were holding the puck in the Islanders zone and couldn’t even get a shot off, the rage started to build again and I found myself back on You Tube looking for the video of Darryl Sydor crawling across the ice after getting his knee blown out just in case he could block a shot during the playoffs. It’s like the undying determination of the Terminator still trying to kill Sarah Conner with only one arm and no legs. It warms the heart and makes you want to hug your child. But I quickly snapped out of it because OT lasts about 4 seconds and Bishop is the MAN in shootouts. As it turns out, Kucherov is the man because he slipped a goal by Nabokov that faked him out 3 times before he ever saw it. But he finally found the puck while he was sitting in the net on his ass. The comeback now complete, the Islanders humiliated and losers like normal and everything in the world is right again. So now back to You Tube to watch Willis McGahee break his leg in half and kick himself in the side of the head. Yes, happiness and anger both make me want to see people get hurt. I know it’s a problem, leave me alone.


For your Happy/Angry viewing pleasure: